Watch our latest learning webinar series, INSPIRE with Dr. Gillian Matthews, PhD, Former Research Scientist with the Tye Lab at the Salk Institute and the Picower Institute at MIT.
Better together: Embracing social influences over neural data
Dr. Matthews reviews how the social environment can influence one's health, behavior, and neurobiology. She takes you through her journey of exploring the effect of social isolation on neural circuits, and why a research animals' housing environment is one of the most pivotal considerations to address for experimental design and data interpretation. She discusses some common challenges associated with group-housing in mice, offers her insights to facilitate harmonious social grouping while integrating miniscope recordings, and reasons that individual social differences can be welcomed into your experiment.
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With 200+ publications worldwide, learn about the amazing neural circuit discoveries achieved in freely behaving animals using nVistaTM, nVokeTM, or nVueTM complete miniscope imaging platforms.